
Friday 2 September 2016

My Narrative story

Faster and faster they spun, until it felt like they would soar off into the sky at any moment.

once upon a time there lived two boys there name was Alex and lucas there mum was tired of them watching tv the mum said go outside so lucas and Alex went outside they did not want to play outside they wanted to go to the park when they got to the park but no one was there so they went home just before they got home they saw a alleyway at the end of the alleyway they saw a ride they went on the ride they got very dizzy.

P1 One day lucas and Alex got sucked up in a big black hole lucas and Alex sound to sleep when they woke up magic land there was magic people in the magic land one magic person came to lucas and Alex the magic person said do you want to be magic lucas and Alex did not want to be magic they just wanted to go home.

P2 A day after the magic man found a way to take lucas and Alex back home lucas and Alex mum was getting worried about lucas and Alex because they haven't been home for 3 days she started to tell people if they saw two boys.

P3 The magic man send them home lucas and Alex back at the park then they started to walk home there mum found them and asked them what happened so lucas and Alex told their mum what happened.

Lucas and Alex lesson was not to go back to the park and to not tell anyone about the park.


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